
Monday, September 21, 2009

Success very successful word

The word “success” is really very successful in this cutthroat's environment. Often we are introduced with a new unit of measurement for anyones capabilities,qualities and shortness.

By this way one can easily say that every human has some price tag pasted on their this context of comparison we always forget that we were not born by the thing wealth, indeed we are introduced to it by the society after birth.

Human must have the target to recognize himself first,do for common interest ,contribute to this endless journey making the limited us to the immortal story.

The depth of the heart and intensity of feeling are abysmal and we all have to discover that.

Today human is managing for aimless survival in to thoughtless competition . I am not saying competition is bad if you compete for finding your fineness then it becomes a cooperative search instead of competition .

And one more thing to say to bear a child is not to give life because you can give life to anyone may be elder to you by simply helping him or her to let him or her see inside himself.

For doing so we have to first learn to live life, we have to find particular roll for which you are born no matter you haven't roof to hide or have a palace giving shelter to.